SMART BUILD SPOTLIGHT - Wolf Partners’ integrated approach lifts the game for building smarter

⏱️ 4 min read


Welcome to SMART BUILD SPOTLIGHT where every episode, the Howick team profiles a construction business that is using innovative, high-tech and smart building processes to build better buildings more efficiently. These companies are pushing the boundaries of industrialised construction and achieving some impressive results along the way. We cannot wait to share their stories.  

In this episode, Wolf Partners – a development, architecture, fabrication and building firm based in Tampa, Florida – explain how they provide extra value to construction partners and eliminate inefficiencies in their processes by adopting a vertically integrated, end-to-end construction model. We tell the story of how their business changed when they encountered builders assembling a cigar shop in a single day - and explore their drive to consciously contribute better spaces to the built environment while using the most innovative technologies available. 

Watch the SMART BUILD SPOTLIGHT video OR read the article below to get the full story.


Unlike most firms which can handle either fabrication, building, or development, Wolf Partners takes construction right through from vision to reality. This fully integrated construction model gives the firm the ability to employ innovative solutions to streamline the build process and deliver better buildings

Adam Wolf and Joshua Nicholson, the company co-founders and principals, started Wolf Partners with a drive to find better building solutions. Frustrated with a lack of accuracy and control, and a shortage of labour, they sought to improve the construction process by adopting new technologies.

Inspired by their vision, Jason Holsopple joined them later as Chief Operations Officer. This now allows Adam to focus on everything architectural and computational while Joshua manages acquisition, development, and construction.

Fully integrated construction model

Adam studied architecture and worked at several firms on a wide variety of structures, from bridges to high rises. He quickly discovered an interest:

“I was always passionate about how we can use the computer to develop new types of architecture, new building practices. That’s kind of what we do here.”

Josh also saw an opportunity to improve the way things were being done by creating a vertically integrated business model:

“Seeing all the inefficiencies in hiring out the various disciplines… We felt very strongly that by bringing them all in-house, we had a better handle to implement this into the market.”

Wolf Partners started by building a pipeline for their own projects and skinned their knees experimenting with different types, scales, and sizes to refine their model. This extensive hands-on experience helped them master the process and navigate the challenges, before serving external clients.

This approach proved essential to the success of their first external project, as it eliminated many of the uncertainties and obstacles
that would have otherwise held up the process.

The company handles every step of the construction process, so they can help their clients with whatever they need. Whether it is fabrication only, design and fabrication, assistance with the site, or the whole development package, their approach seamlessly adapts to the project. 

By being a true collaborative partner and tailoring efforts to match the needs of the entire development team, the company provides a fully integrated delivery method.

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West Bay Townhomes, Hyde Park, Tampa, Florida.

Building a cigar shop in a morning

When Adam and Josh first started kicking the tyres on development projects before they started Wolf Partners, Josh ran into a crew building a cigar shop. The chance meeting turned out to be a spark that would help them start their new business:

“There was one day I was driving to the office and there was a cigar shop going up, and these guys were unloading a trailer full of metal panels. On my way back from lunch they were done. And I thought, well, if they can build a 2,000 square foot cigar shop in a morning, what is this stuff?” 

Josh jumped out of his truck and asked. He found out they were using a ‘roll-former’ to prefabricate the steel panels:

“So, then we started doing research to find out, who makes the best roll-former?” 

Their search led them to Howick and a versatile technology that was more than up to the job. With a focus on site-specific development, Wolf Partners needed a solution that could support any outcome.  With Howick machines, they discovered they were not locked into repetitive forms but could exercise control as responsible architects and deliver a wide variety of offerings. 

“Once we found out about roll-forming, we researched how we can be very fluid and agile in how we communicate with these machines. We really could do whatever we needed to do on the computational side and still get a solid, consistently performing machine.”

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Choosing Howick

After extensive research and internal deliberations, Wolf Partners decided Howick was the best option. The firm's guiding principle is that building quality is as important as technological innovation, and they believed Howick aligned perfectly with this ideal.

The team was impressed by the superior quality of Howick's machines which matched their own high standards. Now, after using the machines for a few years, they are confident they made the right choice.

“The machines just run so cleanly, and they’re so reliable. They’re absolutely beautiful machines. We have a lot of stuff to worry about, and that’s not one of them, which is so nice.”

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 Jewish Federation “Chuppah” Canopy, Sarasota, Florida

Looking to the future of prefabricated construction

With several developments completed the Wolf Partners business model is clearly working for their clients, but Adam says it is working for them too: 

“We are architects and builders first but we happen to do development. We can make decisions that are less economics-driven and more product-driven.”

They aim to create environments that are unique, innovative, and suited to their specific locations. Each project they undertake has a distinct aesthetic, influenced by the unique histories, micro-climates, and sun exposure of different neighbourhoods. They believe this approach is the most responsible way to develop, and they are committed to maintaining this flexibility and creativity through their prefabricated process.

Wolf Partners has a focus on the future that spans well beyond their bottom line.  They plan to continue to innovate on the computational side, push to deliver an excellent product, and strive to be of service to their community: 

“That’s what bonded us when we got together. Our drive to progress this industry, to innovate and take an industry that’s kind of stuck and bring it to a better place by finding more efficient, better ways of building.”

July 2024   #Features