Howick: Shaping the world of construction

Rolling into 2022 with Howick.

This time last year we noted we were over 2020 and looking forward to 2021 with anticipation. It is a strange world we live in when we can say the same thing this year. Here’s to 2022!
7 critical considerations
Increasing emphasis on light steel manufacturing for construction.
There has been a significant move to modern construction methods over the last few years, and light gauge steel (LGS, also known as cold formed steel) plays a major role in this.

If you have been looking at investing in LGS manufacturing for offsite and modular construction, you will no doubt be reviewing the opportunities it presents. At the outset it is a big decision with a significant investment required. We have put together a quick-fire checklist of seven considerations that you may find useful.
Summer in NZ
Happy holidays!
At this time of the year, here in New Zealand, we look forward to taking a well-earned break with some sun and long summer days to enjoy with friends and family.
Our last day in the factory will be Thursday 23rd December and we will return on Monday 10th January. Our plant and offices will be closed, but support is available, should you need our assistance, through the normal channels.
We wish you and your staff a safe, happy and healthy 2022. Wherever you are in the world, we hope the New Year brings what you wish for.
Thank you for your support throughout 2021 and we look forward to working with you in 2022. In the meantime, if you would like to talk to us about how Howick technology can benefit you, visit our website, or email us to find out more.
Best regards

Deon Anderson

Head of Global Sales


December 2021   #In The Frame