Connect with an €800 million market at Education Buildings Ireland

⏱️ 2 min read

Howick_Education Buildings Ireland 2024

The education sector is an exciting growth area for modular construction in Ireland, which is why Howick is exhibiting at the Education Buildings Ireland Conference, 6-7 November 2024 at RDS Dublin.

Register now and come join us

What is the Education Buildings Ireland Conference?

Organised in partnership with the Government of Ireland, the conference and exhibition is a two day affair that brings together everyone involved in creating high-quality learning environments for all students and learners. 

It will include a multi-stream programme with 81 speakers, while 44 exhibitors showcase targeted construction solutions for the education sector.

How big is this opportunity?

Almost 90 school building projects are expected to be approved before early 2025, with the Irish government investing €800 million to deliver an extra 200,000m2 in classroom capacity. *

Offsite construction is expected to play a critical role here, with the Irish Department of Education placing a focus on modular builds in their commitment to modern methods of construction. They cite faster build times and less disruption to the school environment as core drivers of this decision. **

Meet the team from Howick at Stand 302 

Another key reason to attend is to meet the team from Howick. As a global pioneer in precision roll-forming technology, Howick will be there to support the industry in Ireland.

cold formed steel roll-forming machines operate in more than 80 countries, including Ireland, where companies like CPAC Modular are using our technology to transform the way educational buildings are built.

If you are looking to integrate new systems, scale operations, create efficiencies and reduce project costs, we would relish the opportunity to discuss how framing automation and Howick roll-forming technology might help you achieve your ambitions.

Register now and come and say hello to the Howick team at Stand 302. We look forward to seeing you there.

Register Now

* Government of Ireland Press Release:

** Killarney Today:

September 2024   #Events