STEEL HORIZONS | TAMPA: Beyond framing – The next frontier of roll-forming technology

⏱️ 6 min read

Want to know what happens when you gather a room full of industry trailblazers? Curious to see how they’re shaping construction today to prepare for tomorrow? 

Welcome to the STEEL HORIZONS Speaker Spotlight. 

In this series, we take a look at every rapid-fire presentation from the recent STEEL HORIZONS | TAMPA event, share the best insights and explore the most thought-provoking discussions. 

We start with Nick Coubray, CEO of Howick, who gave us a behind-the-scenes look at how Howick is evolving its roll-forming technology. From products that reduce waste, to data-driven manufacturing and outside the framed-box solutions, Howick is helping the industry build faster, smarter, and more sustainably. 

Building with less waste and more pace  

“Construction is probably one of the biggest generators of waste in the world,” says Nick. 

Construction generates 30% of the world’s waste, and ‘old practices’’ are a big contributor. Take stud and track framing, for example. It’s riddled with inefficiencies from transporting, sorting, planning, moving, re-measuring, cutting, assembling, and disposing of offcut waste. 

“There’s all this waste that builds up to a massive cost.”   

One of Howick’s solutions is as simple as it is smart: telescopic framing. Manufactured on Howick’s versatile XTENDA™ 3600, telescopic framing can be assembled offsite, compressed for transport, moved into position and adjusted to fit without any re-measuring and cutting. 

The difference is game-changing.

For a $300 million retrofit of a 1972 building, using telescopic framing helped contractors to:  

  • Install framing 60% faster than traditional stud and track 
  • Produce almost zero waste onsite 
  • Contributed to a carbon footprint reduction by 50% by refurbishing compared to a new building 

Howicks X-TENDA™ 3600-header-100.jpg

Creating efficiency in struts and cable trays  

While telescopic framing is revolutionising infill framing, Howick’s Strut machine is shaking up the status quo for mechanical support systems. 
Instead of producing standard lengths for contractors to cut and punch onsite, Howick’s Strut machine cuts and pre-punches holes to required exact specs. This speeds up installation and eliminates off-cuts. 
For back-to-back struts Howick’s process makes the old way look, well, backward. 
Instead of struts being hot-dipped galvanised then spot-welded together before cutting – a process that can take two weeks – Howick’s solution uses pre-galvanised lengths and a riveting machine they have developed to do the same job. 
“We can do them full lengths, partial lengths, with holes in them, without holes in them and build up different elements but really, we're saving time again.” 


For electrical cable trays it’s the same kind of transformation: by automating the repetitive manual steps which normally involved a two-man, eight-minute job it becomes a simple 45-second process.  

“There's an investment in machinery, but the backend saving is huge.”   

Connecting machines, data, and people 

While Howick is renowned for its reliable machinery, they are also committed to developing a digital backbone with their new Customer Portal. Available on all Howick Gen 6 machines, the portal allows customers to: 

  • Monitor machine status and service requirements. 
  • Access manuals, assembly drawings, and other resources. 
  • Submit support tickets directly from the machine. 

But it’s where Howick is heading next that truly excites Nick. 
“The next part of that is obviously production data. Everybody wants production data.” 

Using a cloud-based system and APIs, Howick is exploring a networked production system where multiple machines in different companies or locations are connected. 
“Imagine you’re in California and want to build something in Tampa. You could log in, find a machine with production capacity, and send your design files.  
“It gives opportunities for Production as a Service.” 

Expanding the possibilities of roll-forming 

As Nick continued, it became clear Howick’s vision for roll-forming technology extended far beyond framing. From floor to roof, Howick’s groundbreaking solutions were challenging old assumptions. 

SPEEDFLOOR® is a composite concrete flooring system that combines the strength of steel and concrete. It is fast and easy to install, and it’s much lighter than traditional concrete flooring solutions.   

This can significantly reduce costs as Nick highlighted with an eight-story apartment project. 
“There's about $750,000 worth of our SPEEDFLOOR® system in it. But we saved $9 million on the foundation because of the lightweight nature of the building.” 
Howick also has patents pending on a SPEEDFLOOR® precast system. By putting steel exactly where it’s needed, the panels are strong, lightweight, and versatile.  


Up above, X-CALIBR™ is transforming big-box construction with a lightweight, pre-galvanised, engineered system that can accommodate spans up to 100 ft. 
“We're trying to systemise some of these big box buildings that other people are doing. There's a whole lot of things we can do with it that are quite clever.” 

Using X-CALIBR™, the main structure for a 12,000 sq. ft. building can be erected in just four hours. Compare that to traditional hot-rolled steel, and there is no comparison. 

X-CALIBR Roll-formed Structural System.jpeg

And the innovations don't stop there. Nick showcased several more examples of how Howick is developing better ways of doing things: 

  • TIPABIN®: A simple yet clever solution that makes handling and disposing of machine waste a safe and easy one-minute operation 
  • Stud Pusher Assembly Table: An engineered solution that not only reduces manual labour but prevents damage of steel framing during assembly or disassembly. 
  • Custom 30-tonne servo press: A fully servo-controlled machine for prototyping and small production runs that offers precise control over pressure, stroke, and speed. 

Each solution, whether large or small, demonstrates how Howick is constantly pushing the boundaries of what roll-forming technology can achieve. 

If you would like to view Nick’s presentation, click here. 

The future of construction isn’t just about building faster - it’s about building smarter. By tackling waste at every stage, Howick is building roll-forming technology that redefines what’s possible. 

Stay tuned for more insights from STEEL HORIZONS | TAMPA, and if you’re ready to transform the way you build, let’s talk.

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March 2025   #Features