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Framing up the future in Australia

From helping manage the timber crisis to dealing with extreme environments, Howick machines are hard at work in Australia. We look at how three Australian businesses are using Howick steel roll-forming technology to deliver a better tomorrow.
Steel frames the solution to timber crisis

As Australia’s timber shortage bites, Melbourne-based Steel Frames Direct is helping construction clients stay on top with a superior light gauge steel (LGS) solution. Compared with traditional timber framing suppliers, Steel Frames Direct offers a reliable supply chain and a faster, more accurate solution that produces less waste onsite.


Building resilient homes in harsh environments
40-plus degree heat, high humidity, torrential rain, high winds and termites – no one ever said building in the north of Western Australia was easy. That is why steel framing is ideal, being both resilient and cost-effective.

Learn how KMPL, a local manufacturer of steel framing, helped ensure the success of a recent social housing project in the remote town Kununurra.

Growth in pre-fabs leads to new 7000m2

The Australian prefabricated building market is expected to grow by 7.5% by 2027.

For businesses like Uniplan Group, which specialise in factory-built modular homes, this growth has meant expansion. Check out their new 7000m2 custom-built facility in Armidale, NSW.
Feeling inspired? Talk to us about how Howick technology can benefit your construction aspirations. Visit our website, or email us to find out more.
Best regards

Deon Anderson

Head of Global Sales

Howick Ltd
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October 2022   #In The Frame