Building a stronger industry at IBS 2024, Las Vegas


The Howick and StrucSoft Solutions teams are looking forward to exhibiting at the NAHB International Builders' Show (IBS) at the Las Vegas Convention Centre, 27-29 February, and helping share the many benefits of cold formed steel technology.

IBS is the largest annual light construction show in the world. The show educates and improves the residential construction industry by providing a hub for new product launches, construction demos, workshops, panels and sessions with thought leaders.

The knowledge you gain here can equip you with the solutions, products and fresh thinking necessary to foster the growth of your business.

Smarter, faster framing with Howick 

All light construction starts with a straight frame, and cold formed steel (CFS) framing systems bring significant advantages over traditional building methods - from greater accuracy and efficiency, to minimised wastage. 

Choosing the right framing automation machine and software to manufacture your CFS framing is a complex and important decision. Visit booth SU819 at IBS for the perfect opportunity to discuss some of the options with us and our software partner, StrucSoft Solutions. 

We will have one of our FRAMA™ machines on display so you can see our technology in action, ask our experts questions, and inspect the quality of the manufacturing. We will also be exhibiting our telescopic framing system, produced by our popular X-TENDATM 3600 machine, which can reduce installation times for interior or retrofit framing by up to 50%. The X-TENDA™ 3600 is a truly versatile machine as it not only manufactures telescopic panels, but also offers the same capabilities of the FRAMA™ 3200 - producing frame and truss components, and stud and track.

Visit Howick at Booth SU819 at IBS on 27-29 February

Find out how businesses just like yours are building faster, more efficiently, and with less waste, using CFS framing automation - and how you could do the same.

Join Howick at IBS for FREE

We are thrilled to be able to offer our contacts the opportunity to register for IBS for FREE. Click here to find out more.

Register for your FREE tickets today!

January 2024   #Events